


Group Tours


Ancient Mexico: Lost Cities of the Maya Tour of Yucatan

with Anyextee, Luke Caverns, John Lundwall

Featuring Maya Shaman Sunrise Ceremony, Private Visits to Hidden Ruins Off the Beaten Path, and Chichen Itza Light & Sound Show.

Peru & Bolivia

Unexplained: Mysteries of Peru & Bolivia

with Anyextee

Featuring Exclusive VIP Encounters & Optional Extensions: Nazca & Paracas, Easter Island, and a 3-Day Ancestral Insights Shamanic Journey


Esoteric Egypt: A Symbolist Tour of Ancient Egypt

with Anyextee

Featuring Private Visits Inside The Great Pyramid, Between the Paws of the Sphinx, and 4-Night Deluxe Full-Board Cruise.


Ancient Architecture & Esoteric Symbolism Tour of Turkey

with Anyextee and Matt Sibson

Featuring VIP Access to Rarely Seen Sites, Private Meeting with authentic Dervish, and Private Yacht Cruise.

Our most

Recent Expeditions

Turn flights of imagination into adventures of a lifetime.

Any Questions?



Author, Esoteric Researcher, Expedition Tour Leader & Founder
I am happy to answer any questions that you may have about this Adept Expedition. Please either use the form below or email me directly: Anyextee@AdeptExpeditions.com

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