Featured Speakers
What better way to study and explore Archeology, Astronomy, and Archetypes than by traveling with our leading experts right by your side?
Your Featured Speakers:
Anyextee, Luke Caverns, John Lundwall, and Evans Smith

Called to investigate the ancient mysteries, metaphysics and mysticism, Anyextee transformed his passion for exploration into an esoteric tour company dedicated to providing travelers with more meaningful experiences.In the tradition of his mentor, the symbolist author and rogue Egyptologist, John Anthony West, Anyextee offers esoteric tours through Egypt, as well as in Turkey and Mexico (Yucatan).As the producer and narrator for “The Sacred History of the Rosicrucians”, Anyextee explores the heritage and importance of the mystical order’s traditional timeline. He is also producer and narrator for the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum’s Educational Guide.Anyextee is the founder of AdeptExpeditions.com, AdeptInitiates.com and AncientEgyptMysterySchools.com.
Anyextee has been featured on the Travel Channel, numerous radio shows, and podcasts. He is also a featured speaker at CPAK (Conference on Precession and Ancient Knowledge).He is the author of “The Adept Initiate’s Guide to Luxor Temple: The Symbolist Approach to the Temple of Man”, available 2024 at: www.Anyextee.com

Luke Caverns
Luke Caverns is an Anthropologist, making videos Researching & Exploring the world of Ancient Civilizations

John Knight Lundwall
John Knight Lundwall holds a doctorate in Mythological Studies from the Joseph Campbell school of myth, Pacifica Graduate Institute out of California, where he teaches as adjunct faculty. He is the project leader of the Utah Cultural Astronomy Project, leading a team of researchers, archeologists and rock art specialists in recording and preserving ancient Native American sties in Utah. He is a founding board member of the Utah Valley Astronomy Club (501(c)(3)) and partners with state and national parks in Utah to help run their astronomy programs. He is a published author of several articles and one book, has served as an editor on academic journals, and presents at symposiums and conferences on the cultural astronomy of ancient rock art and myth. He is also an avid photographer.
Website: www.johnklundwall.com

Evans Lansing Smith
Evans Lansing Smith is Chair and Core Faculty of the Mythological Studies Program at the Pacifica Graduate Institute, in Santa Barbara, CA. In the 1970s he traveled with the late Joseph Campbell on tours of Northern France, Egypt, and Kenya. He is the author of thirteen books (including two recent volumes of poems) and numerous articles on comparative literature and mythology. He has his Ph.D. from The Claremont Graduate School, an M.A. in Creative Writing from Antioch International (London and Dublin), and a B.A. from Williams College. He has taught at colleges and universities in Switzerland, Maryland, Texas, and California, and is the recipient of awards for distinguished teaching and publication from Midwestern State University, and the Pacifica Graduate Institute. In addition, he has lectured at the C.G. Jung Institutes in Küsnacht and New York, The Seattle Friends of Jung, the Modern Language Association, the American Popular Culture Association, the Ojai Writer’s Conference, the Pacifica Graduate Institute, and the Casa dei Pesci in Circeo San Felice, Italy. His edited volume of Joseph Campbell’s writings and lectures on the Grail Romances was published in the Collected Works Series by New World Publishing in November, 2015, and his edition of the Correspondences of Joseph Campbell is forthcoming.
His website: Evans Lansing Smith (coniunctioblog.com)
Join Anyextee, Luke Caverns, John Lundwall and Evans Smith for an adept expedition as we explore the Lost Cities of the Maya